How to Import Your Data into Cloven CRM

How to Import Your Data into Cloven CRM


This article describes how to import your data into Cloven CRM. 
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How to Use

In the policy module, you will find a blue "create policy" button where you can find a drop down menu with the option to import policies. Below are the steps to import data into Cloven CRM:
  1. Prepare Your Data.
    1. Before you begin importing data into the CRM, it's essential to ensure that your data is properly organized and formatted. Here are a few key points to consider:
    2. Make sure your data is in a compatible format such as CSV, XLS, or XLSX.
    3. Ensure that your data fields match the corresponding fields in the CRM.
    4. Note: A pre-built import template is attached at the bottom of this article
  2. Access the Import Button in the Policy module
    1. Log in to your Cloven CRM account using your credentials.
    2. Once you are in the CRM, navigate to the policy module
    3. In the Policy module, locate the "create policy" blue button and select the drop down icon.
    4. From the dropdown menu, select "Import Policy"
  3. Start Importing Data
    1. In the "Import" window, click on the "Browse" button to select the file containing your data.
    2. Locate and select the file from your local system.
    3. Click "Next" to proceed.
  4. Map Fields
    1. In this step, you will map the fields in your data file to the corresponding fields in Zoho CRM.
    2. Note: Cloven CRM will automatically try to match the column headers in your data file with the CRM fields.
    3. Review the field mapping and make any necessary adjustments.
    4. If there are any unmapped fields, click on the dropdown menu and select the appropriate field from the list.
  5. Once the field mapping is complete, click "Next" to continue and complete the data import.
Watch the video below to learn how to import your data to Cloven: